Fitz+Skoglund Agents

Peter Stauch is a director and writer best known for the German TV award winning series "Der letzte Bulle" (2012), the medical drama series „Die Inselärztin“ (2019), the lawyer dramedy miniseries "Falk" (2019) and the two part feature "Herzstolpern" (2022), which was praised for its diversity.

Stauch graduated from Munich Film School HFF in 2006. During his studies he worked as a production assistant at Roland Emmerichs "The Patriot" and as a directors trainee on "The Day After Tomorrow". After two shorts made under the auspices of his film school, he directed his first feature "In pretty women, all tricks are allowed" shot in spain, produced by Wiedemann & Berg Filmproduktion. After graduation he shot numerous TV Movies and TV Series of different genres. In 2020 he directed the two-part thrillers "Der Amsterdam Krimi" for ARD Degeto. In 2022 Stauch was Jury Member for the Jury Preis Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen Sektion Regie. He shot the ndF-two part feature "Herzstolpern" for ZDF. In 2023 he shot two feature films "Nächste Ausfahrt Glück" also for ZDF which are currently in postproduction. Peter Stauch lives in Munich with his wife and son.


Regisseur, Autor für TV-Spielfilme, TV-Serien und Kinofilme


Regie-Studium an der HFF München _Abteilung Film und Fernsehspiel, Diplom 


Deutsch (Muttersprache), Englisch (fließend)